90 second explainer videos

Generally, before clicking to play a video, the first thing viewers will look at is its length. If they consider it to be too long, they won’t even give the video a chance.

Nowadays, capturing a viewer’s attention is a rather complicated task.
Consumers are becoming more and more demanding.
The duration of an explainer video is of vital importance; for your viewers to stay until the end of the video. And get a good impression of it, you must keep it short.

At this point, you are probably asking yourself:

What is the ideal time length for an explainer video, so that the viewer is attracted to it?

Pay attention to the information below:

Ideal time length for your video tutorial to be a resounding success

Reporting everything about your company in a video can become a somewhat complicated task. Nowadays, the time-lapse of people’s attention is surprisingly short. Therefore, the explainer video of your business should be short, concise, and interesting.

If you want to maximize the number of visits and generate a great impact within your page, you should make your explainer videos as short as possible.

A successful video can last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, but we recommend it be 90 seconds. That time length will be enough to create a precise and impressive message.

How a 90-second video tutorial will benefit your business

The most accurate way to promote your business and explain how it works is through 90-second explainer videos.
This type of video should explain and promote your business briefly, concisely,
and attractively.

Making your video this short will have countless benefits such as:

  • Maximize conversions
    Explainer videos often attract the attention of the audience quickly. So not only will you get users to know more about the brand, but you will also be able to increase interactions within your page.
  • Connect directly with users
    Only 3 or 4 seconds will be enough to fully capture a viewer’s attention. Your business will make an immediate and direct connection with its users through 90-second explainer videos.
  • It is an aid for effective communication
    An explainer video is short and precise; its ability to communicate information should be effective, making the most of its time length, without making the viewer dizzy.
  • It improves the users’ experience
    A satisfied user is a user who buys again, and at the same time recommends the service. A 90-second explainer video can significantly improve the user experience on the page.
  • Unlimited scope
    Since they are short 90-second videos, viewers can enjoy them anytime and anywhere. This will significantly increase the number of views it will have.
  • Easy-to-remember message
    When you convey information in short-duration, precise, and direct videos, you will generate a greater impact on viewers; the video will be hard to forget.
  • Your SEO will be significantly improved
    A 90-second video tutorial will greatly improve the SEO of your website. Generally, videos within a website are preferred by search engines, as this type of content is easy to share on social networks.

Without a doubt, 90-second explainer videos are the most comfortable and fastest way to digest information. Leave those tedious, long, and boring videos in the past.

Would you like to have the best 90-second tutorial video? Then contact us right now and we will be happy to help you with it!

Written by Julia Tkachuk

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